Friday, May 29, 2009


My name is Samantha. I have a fiance, who is supportive, loving and pretty much the best thing I have going for me(don't get me wrong we don't always see eye to eye, but we always get past that). I have a best friend, who has stood by me through so much in my life. I have a wonderful, supportive family, who is as dysfunctional as anything.

I am in the middle of planning my wedding to the aforementioned fiance. We have been through a lot, from deaths in the family, to our family's issues to our own problems(ie neither of us are perfect...well maybe he is, but not). The planning of my wedding is currently my full time job(although it's much more than a job). Speaking of jobs- I lost mine right before thanksgiving 2009, but I'll talk more about that later.

Ah, the wedding. Well, its scheduled for 10/10/10. We have the venue reserved, the official as well. The wedding party is all arranged. The colors are picked out. We have a tentative wedding guest list, which is of course, subject to change, as the wedding is more than a year away. The stress that goes along with planning a wedding is something no one talks about, I'm going to talk about that here too.

This space will be both my source to vent, to question and to really just write.